Saturday, December 01, 2007

Think Bliss

Here's an update from Patry Francis' husband, copied from her blog:

Hi Everyone: Our day yesterday started at 3:30 am as we headed into Boston for Patry's surgery which was scheduled for 6am.It ended with me driving down I93 around 9pm exhausted but ecstatic with how well everything went.The operation was successful and her surgeon, one of the worlds best, was very happy with what he saw and how she made out. She's very strong spiritually and physically and hopefully will becoming home soon with a long healing period ahead of her.Thanks for your prayers,peace and love, Ted

Keep sending dear Patry your good thoughts. It's working.


mohanley5 said...

Good news, and God Bless. I've never met Patry, but she was in my thoughts (after reading about her here)and I slipped in a little prayer for her at St Anthony's Shrine in Boston.

Lynne Griffin and Amy MacKinnon said...

You're so kind, Mo.

Aprilynne Pike said...

Hooray! Good news is . . . well, good news!! I will continue sending good thoughts. May she recover splendidly!